Benefits of a Vegan Lifestyle

For Your Health

Have you heard something about the health benefits of a plant-based diet, but are not 100% sure which direction to take with this information? Then Vegan Online Academy is here for you.
Changing to a plant-based diet is the biggest gift that you can give yourself. People who follow a whole foods plant-based diet live longer and are, crucially, healthier for longer. If you would like to add an average of ten years to your lifespan, then our Vegan 101 course is here to show you how. Not only that, but would you also like to radically increase how healthy, mobile, and how mentally able you are now and at the end of your life? Then this truly is the lifestyle for you.

A whole foods plant-based diet is scientifically proven to:

  • Prevent and reverse heart disease
  • Radically reduce cancer risk 
  • Reduce stroke risk
  • Reduce alzheimer risk
  • Prevent and reverse Type 2 diabetes
  • Prevent and reverse a variety of autoimmune diseases

Following a plant-based diet will give you a greatly increased likelihood of having a healthy and long old age. One where you can actually enjoy your retirement years. That is something to plan for, just the same way that you are planning financially for your retirement. Now is the time to take control and plan for your good health too.

For The Planet

Do you care about our planet and the damage being done to its ecosystem, but don’t know how you, as an individual, can do the most good? Then you are in the right place!

​For instance, did you know that the biggest causes of rainforest deforestation is animal agriculture? Most people don’t, or if they do they have some vague idea that it is because of Brazilian’s unyielding desire for beef. In fact, much of this destruction is to grow beans and corn to fatten up beef cattle in North America and Europe.

  • Use dramatically less fresh water
  • Use dramatically less fossil fuels
  • Reduce methane emissions (far more potent than CO2)
  • Cause significantly less pollution & stress on the environment
  • Use less land – potentially allowing for large scale reforestation
  • Be the most sustainable way for human beings to eat

Vegan Online Academy courses will guide you through the process of transitioning to a plant-based diet and provide you with an in-depth understanding about how you can make a difference.

For The Animals

The misery of factory farming is the daily reality of over 70 billion land animals every year. It is difficult to imagine the scale of the pain and suffering that we humans inflict on other species just to satisfy our taste buds. ​But it doesn’t have to be this way. By signing up to the Vegan 101 course, and finding out how to effortlessly implement a plant-based diet into your life, you can reduce the suffering of animals in our industrial farming industry.

Someone who follows a plant-based diet personally prevents around 50 animals from enduring a life of misery every year. That’s around 500 animals every decade, which is pretty awesome, isn’t it?!