Don’t Let Cheese Stop You Going Vegan

Advice from a vegetarian of almost 30 years

Cheese, what is it about that spread of creamy deliciousness at the deli counter that makes it so difficult to ever imagine living without it? 

In this post we will examine the hold that cheese has over many of us, why it is so difficult to give up, and how you can rid yourself of this demon – even if you don’t want to at the moment, which you probably don’t!

So, why do we love it so much? There are several reasons.

1. That perfect mixture of fat and salt that makes us want more, more, more!

Cheese is predominantly made up of two things that we humans just love: fat and salt. Not only that but the milk it is made from has been evolved to keep infant animals coming back to their mother to drink more. This effect isn’t lost on us, studies now confirm that cheese activates areas in our brain that literally keep us coming back for more. Cheese activates our feel good sensors, much like chocolate, explaining one of the reasons why even thinking about giving it up makes us uncomfortable. Check out what the Physician’s Committee has to say about cheese here.

2. It’s ubiquitousness – cheese really is everywhere

Cheese is literally stuffed into everything, especially when you go out to eat. Cheese enchiladas, triple cheese pizza, cheese stuffed crust… you get the idea. Why is this? One reason is because restaurateurs know that it is going to make their food taste good and that customers are more likely to come back to their restaurant again. Another is that it makes a quick and easy vegetarian option without confusing the chef. A more sinister reason is that many governments around the world promote the inclusion of dairy in foods in order to prop up failing dairy producers. That is despite knowing that people eating the standard western diet are eating far too much saturated fat and cholesterol, the two things that cheese is full of. 

3. A grating of cheese seems to perfectly finish off every pasta dish imaginable

Cheese may not be the main constituent of your meal, but you feel that it sure does finish a dish off. Veggie Spag Bol just wouldn’t be the same without a grating of cheese? How could you have bean tacos with a few slithers of cheese on top? I hear you ask. 

4. Finally, it is so quick and easy to make a meal out of

Cheese is really handy for making up vegetarian packed lunches. A quick cheese salad sandwich is just so convenient…isn’t it? Well, I used to think so too.

As an almost lifelong vegetarian and cheese addict I can tell you that cheese was probably one of the biggest subconscious reasons that I never investigated the idea of taking that next step into veganism for so long. 

Looking back it seems crazy now. After all, as a vegetarian we are two steps away from being vegan. How hard could it be? For some the idea is just not even worth contemplating. But as someone who has walked the path, I want to assure you that it really and truly is not at all difficult to give up cheese.

Three steps to cheese redemption!

1. Feed Your Mind

Learn everything you can about the dairy industry. As a vegetarian you are most likely following this lifestyle in order to help protect animals from harm. What you are doing is amazing! Now you can help even more. Knowing inside and out the harm and institutional suffering that happens on all dairy farms, from small organic farms through to big commercial dairies, will strengthen you psychologically to be able to see cheese for what it actually is. All it takes is a quick search on YouTube using the keywords “dairy + cruelty” for hundreds of expose videos of the dairy industry to come up. You might feel that you can’t watch them, but persist. You will be amazed at your own ability and strength of mind to view what actually happens in order to produce cheese. I personally have watched enough videos of calves being shot in the head, spent dairy cows being dragged in chains through the slaughterhouse, and other such scenes to know that I will never eat dairy again.

2. Understand why cheese is so unhealthy.

Do your research and spend a little bit of time watching a few videos about why dairy is so bad for you. Doctors to google are Dr. Colin T. Campbell and Dr. Neal Barnard. When you really understand what cheese does to your body it will help your mind refuse to eat it and make the shift to a healthier diet.

3. Feed Your Body

With a strengthened mind you will be able to feed your body. Take it one day at a time and plan ahead. If you are going out for lunches or dinners know that you will have to do a bit of research to find out where is going to serve suitable food. Searching on google maps for “vegan food near me” is a lifesaver here. 

Try all of the vegan cheese substitutes, but be aware that you probably won’t like them at first. It’ll take your tastebuds a little while to adapt. But know that there are lots of options out there and just because you don’t like one doesn’t mean you won’t like any of them. 

In addition, you may find that you are like me and that actually after 30 days of not eating cheese, plus watching all those videos, that you actually don’t miss cheese at all.

I clearly remember the last time I ate cheese. I had watched all the videos and read all the health facts and I knew inside and out what was wrong with cheese. But I was given a voucher for a local restaurant. So I went out for lunch there with my husband and I didn’t check the menu beforehand. When we got there, I was really hungry, but they had no vegan food. In fact the closest thing they had to a vegetarian meal was a cheese quesadilla. So I reluctantly ordered it. When it came, I picked up a slice and this cheese just oozed out. Rather than looking appealing, as it would have a month or so before, it actually looked gross. But I was hungry so I took a bite. I ate a ¼, but didn’t enjoy it at all. I hadn’t had cheese for about a month and it tasted like greasy fat in my mouth. As I was eating all I could think about were the cows that had suffered in order to make my meal. And I just couldn’t do it. I pushed the meal away from me and said to my husband, “That is it, I know for sure that I will never eat cheese again.” 

And I never have.

Now that is something that I never would have thought I would say that! Do I regret giving up cheese? Absolutely not, my only regret is that I didn’t do it sooner.

You can do it too! 

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